The Last Supper (Y.Tarver)

The Last Supper (Y.Tarver)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Sculpture and painting of the last Supper

Leonardo Da Vinci has been one of my favorate inigimas since I watched the Da Vinci code and later Angels and Demons, another movie bases on the existance of the illuminiati in rome and as a world power.
  I choose the last supper, a painting often discussed and frequently debated as being a contraversial piece based on the position of the figure to the right of Christ. it has often been copied to make the figures of different ethnic backgrounds, but the position of the figures have remained the same.
  there are a few things that puzzle me about this piece. the relative calm of Chirst in the center of a caoitic scene. if you look closer you will see that the figure to his right is calm as well, only showing a hint of fustration in the placement of the hand in. while the rest of the party is in utter chaos, almost to a feaverent pitch.
 You will also notice that the figure to Christ's right is dressed exactly oppsite to his depliction Red over Blue and then Blue over Red. the contraversy here is that the person to Christ's right is none other than Mary Madgelin, the woman Christ forgave for prostitution when he said "He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone" the conspiracy goes on to say that later Mary and Christ were married and they had a child. but this is all only conspiracy and there is to date no proof that I know of that this is or was the case.
  I went furthur to look at a sculpture of the same scene and found something interesting. the same scene without the color or depth is just as moveing and chaotic, meaning that had this painting not been identafied as the last supper and we didnt know Christ was the calm figure in the center with an equally calm and questionable gender person to his immediate right then the importance of this scene would be less drastic.  The beauty in the sculpture is that this could be any one, at the period, from any where having a heated discussion over any thing, with the same depth and intensity. Actually in my opinion the sculpture is a truer depliction, though a copy of the origional, takes nothing away from the intensity of what could be seen as a rivited discussion. if we didnt know that this was a discussion over weather Christ should die for the sins of the world, then the importance we place on this master piece painting would be vastly dismissed.

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